Name Prakhyat
Meaning Famous
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Virgo

Prakhyat Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Prakhyat, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Prakhyat means Famous. By naming your child Prakhyat, you can give a new direction to his/her life. The name Prakhyat is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. By keeping the name Prakhyat, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. People with the name Prakhyat are exactly like the meaning of their name. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Prakhyat, what is its lucky number, and Famous of the name Prakhyat in detail.

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Prakhyat's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Prakhyat is Mercury and the lucky number of this name is 5. These people do not follow discipline and achieve success without any planning. People named Prakhyat work as per their wishes and also set their own goals. People whose lucky number is 5 have sharp mental power and their nature is liked by everyone. People with this number always have an eagerness to acquire knowledge. People with the name Prakhyat do not hesitate to do anything but start the work with full enthusiasm.

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Prakhyat Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Prakhyat is Virgo. Virgo people always keep things in the right place because they are very organized. People with the Virgo zodiac sign have dual personalities and can behave in different ways. People with the name Prakhyat should try their luck in fields like communication, media, blogging, and music. There are more chances for them to be successful in this. People named Prakhyat move forward only after achieving the things of their choice. People named Prakhyat like to wear different types and bright colored clothes.

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Prakhyat's zodiac Virgo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Poornachandra Full Moon Hindu
Poornakamala A blooming lotus Hindu
Poornalalitha Name of a Raga Hindu
Poornamada Complete, Whole Hindu
Poornamasi Goddess Yogamaya Hindu
Poornamrith Full of nectar Hindu
Poornan Complete Hindu
Poornanand Complete Joy Hindu
Poornathva Perfection Hindu
Poornendu Full Moon Hindu
Poornima Full Moon Hindu
Poorti Supply, Satisfaction Hindu
Poorv The east, Chanting voice from east at Sunrise Hindu
Poorva Earlier, One, Elder, East Hindu
Poorvabhadra Name of a star Hindu
Poorvaganga River Narmada Hindu
Poorvaj Elder, Ancestors Hindu
Poorvaja Elder sister, Complete Hindu
Poorvans The Moon Hindu
Poorvesh Earth Hindu
Poorvi A classical melody, From the east Hindu
Poorvijha Hindu
Poorvika Orient, Formerly Hindu
Poorvith Hindu
Pooshitha Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poovendan Leader Hindu
Poovithana Hindu
Pornima Full Moon day Hindu
Poroma Hindu
Porush Powerful Hindu
Posh Month in Hindu calendar Hindu
Poshit Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poshita Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poshitha Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Pothraj Brave guy Hindu
Poulomi Goddess Saraswati, Lord indras second wife Hindu
Pourab Hindu
Pournami Day of the full Moon Hindu
Pournima Full Moon night Hindu
Poushali Of the month poush Hindu
Praachi East, Orient Hindu
Praachik Long-legged, Driving Hindu
Praachika Driving, Falcon, Long-legged, Spider Hindu
Praadha Supreme, Prominent Hindu
Praagya Lord Vishnu, Prowess, Intellect Hindu
Praakrit Nature, Handsome, Natural Hindu
Praakriti Original, Nature, The personification of brahman or the supreme spirit Hindu
Praan Breath of life, Life, Spirit, Energy, Might, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu Hindu
Praana Soul, Spirit Hindu
Praanad Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Brahma, Life giving Hindu