Name Pravashti
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 6
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Virgo
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Pravashti's Lucky Number

Mercury is the ruling planet of the name Pravashti and its lucky number is 5. Girls named Pravashti with the number 5 are undisciplined but they become successful without any planning. Girls with name Pravashti belonging to number 5 make their own goals and work as per their wishes. Women named Pravashti are interesting. Their mental strength is stronger than others. Girls named Pravashti with this number are always ready to gain knowledge. Girls with name Pravashti do not hesitate to do anything but start the work with full enthusiasm.

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Pravashti Personality

The zodiac sign of a girl named Pravashti is Virgo. Women named Pravashti like to be perfect in everything. These people are very organized in their personal life also. Girls named Pravashti have dual personalities and different colors can be seen. Women named Pravashti should try their luck in fields like communication, media, blogging, and music. There are more chances for them to be successful in this. Women named Pravashti move forward only after achieving the things of their choice. Girls named Pravashti like to wear new types and bright-colored clothes.

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Pravashti's zodiac Virgo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Prasenjit Champion, A king in the epics Hindu
Prasha Desire, A mark of Love Hindu
Prashaanth Calm and composed, Peace Hindu
Prashabdi Hindu
Prasham Peace, Cool, Autumn Hindu
Prashami Peaceful, An Apsara or celestial nymph Hindu
Prashamsa Hindu
Prashan Winner, Successful Hindu
Prashanhti Height piece Hindu
Prashanna Cheerful, Pleased, Happy, Pleasant Hindu
Prashansa Praise Hindu
Prashansha Hindu
Prashant Calm and composed, Peace Hindu
Prashanta Calm Hindu
Prashanth Calm and composed, Peace Hindu
Prashantha Calm Hindu
Prashanthi Highest peace Hindu
Prashanti Highest peace Hindu
Prashast Learned one who shows the way, Path Prashast kee-jee-ye, Congenial Hindu
Prashasth Learned one who shows the way, Path Prashast kee-jee-ye, Congenial Hindu
Prashasti Fame, Praise Hindu
Prasheel Prasheel Hindu
Prasheetha Origin, Starting point Hindu
Prasheila Ancient time Hindu
Prashi Accomplishment, Fame Hindu
Prashila Hindu
Prashob Who is with light or glance Hindu
Prashray Love, Respect Hindu
Prashvi Hindu
Prashvita Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva Hindu
Prasiddhi Accomplishment, Fame Hindu
Prasidhhi Famous Hindu
Prasidhi Famous Hindu
Prasit First Ray of the winter Sun Hindu
Prasitha Prasitham Hindu
Prasna Hindu
Prasoon Flower, Blossom Hindu
Prasoona A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasuk Very pure Hindu
Prasun Flower, Blossom Hindu
Prasuna A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasunna A flower, Beautiful flowers, Cheerful, Pleased, Happy Hindu
Prasutha Flower Hindu
Prasuti Daughter of Manu and Consort of Daksha Prajapathi Hindu
Pratamesh Lord God, Lord Ganesh, Lord of the best Hindu
Pratanu Hindu
Pratap Dignity, Majesty Hindu
Pratapavat Known for valour Hindu
Pratapavate Known for valour Hindu
Prateek Symbol, First word in a sentence Hindu