Name Raghav
Meaning Lord Rama, A descendent of Raghu, A patronymic of Ramachandra
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Libra

Raghav Meaning

Raghav The meaning of the name is Lord Rama, A descendent of Raghu, A patronymic of Ramachandra. If you know the meaning of Raghav before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. By naming your child Raghav, you can give a new direction to his/her life. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Raghav, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. By keeping the name Raghav, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Raghav in their nature. The zodiac sign of the name Raghav, the lucky number of the name Raghav, and the personality of the people with the name Raghav or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Raghav's Lucky Number

Raghav The name comes under the planet Venus. Their lucky number is 6. People named Raghav have a very attractive appearance. They like cleanliness and always perform well in the fields of art. People named Raghav have a lot of patience and are especially fond of traveling. The life of people named Raghav is full of prosperity. They never have a shortage of money. People named Raghav get a lot of love and they also get full support from their family.

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Raghav Personality

The zodiac sign of a person with the name Raghav is Libra. These people are very unbalanced because they think only about their benefits most of the time. These people change their thinking according to their needs and desires. People associated with the Libra zodiac sign are logical. They think far ahead. They do not like to take responsibility and, hence never make decisions on their own. Their nature is also humble. These people always keep comparing people and things with each other.

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Raghav's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Reshitha Hindu
Reshma Silken Hindu
Reshmi Ray of light or the sunrays, Silken, Full of light Hindu
Reshmitha Hindu
Reshu Pure soul Hindu
Reshvanth Hindu
Reshvin Hindu
Reshvind Hindu
Resmi Ray of light or The Sunrays, Silken, Full of light Hindu
Retheesh Lord of seasons, Lord of truth Hindu
Rethika A small river, Stream Hindu
Rethushana Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Retvik Hindu
Rev The sacred Narmada river, Moving Hindu
Reva River, A star, Agile, Quick, Another name for Kaali and the river Narmada Hindu
Revaan Horse rider, A star, Ambitious and self sufficient Hindu
Revan Horse rider, A star Hindu
Revansh First Ray of The Sun, Part (Ansh) of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Revant Son of Lord surya(the Sun), Horse rider (Son of Sun God) Hindu
Revanth Son of Lord surya(the Sun), Horse rider Hindu
Revanthi Hindu
Revanthika Hindu
Revappa God Hindu
Revat Brilliant, Wealthy, Attractive Hindu
Revathi Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini Hindu
Revathy Wealth, A star Hindu
Revati Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini Hindu
Reveka Captivating Hindu
Revendra Hindu
Revitha Star, Prosperity Hindu
Rewa River, A star, Agile, Quick, Another name for Kaali and the river Narmada Hindu
Rewathi Hindu
Rewati Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini Hindu
Reya Rich or from hadria, Gem, Goddess Lakshmi, Graceful, Singer Hindu
Reyaan Fame Hindu
Reyaansh First Ray of sunlight, Lord vishnus Ansh (Ansh = part Hindu
Reyan Fame Hindu
Reyansh First Ray of sunlight, Lord vishnus Ansh (Ansh = part Hindu
Reyna Queen Hindu
Rhea Stream, Singer, River, To flow, Poppy flower to flow Hindu
Rheeya Singer, Graceful Hindu
Rhithika Joy, Of truth, Generous, A small flowing river or stream, Truthful Hindu
Rhivu Manasputra of Lord Brahma, One who is begotten through a boon Hindu
Rhudhul Hindu
Rhutu Season Hindu
Rhuvekshaya Hindu
Rhyah Queen of the Sun Hindu
Rhythm Music flow Hindu
Ria Rich or from hadria, Gem, Goddess Lakshmi, Graceful, Singer Hindu
Riaan Little king, Kingly Hindu