Name Rajdeep
Meaning Best of kings
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Libra

Rajdeep Meaning

Rajdeep The meaning of the name is Best of kings. If you know the meaning of Rajdeep before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Having Best of kings is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Rajdeep. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. As we told you Rajdeep means Best of kings and you can also see the effect of this meaning in the behavior of the person named Rajdeep. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Rajdeep in their nature. The zodiac sign of the name Rajdeep, the lucky number of the name Rajdeep, and the personality of the people with the name Rajdeep or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Rajdeep's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Rajdeep is Venus and the lucky number is 6. People with the name Rajdeep are the center of attraction. They are also very beautiful. People with the number 6 like cleanliness. If given a chance in the field of art, they can perform well. People with the name Rajdeep are fond of traveling. They are patient by nature. People with number 6 have no shortage of money and their lives are prosperous. People named Rajdeep get full support from their families and are also very loved.

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Rajdeep Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Rajdeep is Libra. People with the name Rajdeep are unstable by nature because selfishness is important to them. People named Rajdeep keep changing their thoughts and thinking according to their needs and desires. People named Rajdeep have logic for everything. They think more about the future. People named Rajdeep run away from responsibility. Because of this, they are never able to make any decision. However, they are soft by nature, which is their specialty. It is the habit of people named Rajdeep to compare their things and themselves with others.

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Rajdeep's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Ryka Born out of a hymn, Prayer Hindu
Taalank Another name of Lord Shiva, Auspicious Hindu
Taalika Palm, Calm, Nightingale, Key, A list Hindu
Taalin Musical, Lord Shiva Hindu
Taalish Lord of the earth, Mountain, Glittering, Bright Hindu
Taamas Darkness Hindu
Taamasi Night, Rest, A river Hindu
Taanaya Daughter, Born of the body Hindu
Taani Hindu
Taania Daughter, Born of the body Hindu
Taanish Ambition Hindu
Taantav Son, A woven cloth Hindu
Taanush Beautiful Hindu
Taanvi Slender, Beautiful, Delicate Hindu
Taara Star, The pupil of the eye, Meteor, Fragance Hindu
Taarak Star, Pupil of eye, Protector Hindu
Taaraka Star, Meteor, Pupil of the eye Hindu
Taaraksh Star eyed, Mountain Hindu
Taarik Method, Way, Mode, Manner, One who crosses the river of life, Morning star Hindu
Taarika A small star, Starlet, Divine, Film actress Hindu
Taarini Saviour, She who frees, She who delivers from sin, Another name for Goddess Durga, Goddess Parvati Hindu
Taarush Conqueror, Small plant, Victor Hindu
Taayin Gaurdian Hindu
Tabbu Hindu
Tabu Hindu
Tadrash Hindu
Tagore Hindu
Taha Pure Hindu
Tahaan Merciful Hindu
Tahaswini Hindu
Taheli Hindu
Tahnyat Hindu
Tahoma Someone who is different with a cute personality Hindu
Taiunaya Absorbed in, Identical Hindu
Tajagna Brilliant Hindu
Tajasri Hindu
Tajender God of grandeur, Splendour of God, Grandeur of God in heaven Hindu
Taksa King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood (A son of bharata) Hindu
Taksh King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood Hindu
Taksha King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood Hindu
Takshak A carpenter, Another name of the divine architect Vishvakarma Hindu
Takshaya Hindu
Taksheel Someone with a strong character Hindu
Takshii Eyes like a pigeon Hindu
Takshika Bliss Hindu
Takshin Wood cutter, Carpenter Hindu
Takshvi Hindu
Takshya Hindu
Taksvih Hindu
Talaketu Bhishma pitamaha Hindu