Name Revati
Meaning Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Libra

Revati Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Revati, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Revati means Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini. By keeping the name Revati, your child also starts behaving like the meaning of this name. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Revati, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Revati to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. People with the name Revati are exactly like the meaning of their name. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Revati, what is its lucky number, and Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini of the name Revati in detail.

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Revati's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Revati is Venus and the lucky number is 6. Girls with the number 6 Revati are more beautiful. Women named Revati take great care of cleanliness and always perform well in the field of art. Girls named Revati are fond of traveling. They are patient by nature. Girls with the number 6 attract others very quickly. Girls named Revati get full love and support from their families in their lives.

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Revati Personality

Women with the name Revati belong to the Libra zodiac sign. Girls of Revati associated with the Libra zodiac sign often think about their benefits, hence they remain unbalanced. Often, girls named Revati change their minds depending on the circumstances. The women of Revati are high-minded and do not shy away from giving their arguments on anything. Girls named Revati are very soft and they protect themselves from taking any kind of decision so that they do not have to take responsibility for it. Women named Revati always start comparing things and people among themselves.

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Revati's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Takshvi Hindu
Takshya Hindu
Taksvih Hindu
Talaketu Bhishma pitamaha Hindu
Talank Another name of Lord Shiva, Auspicious Hindu
Talav Flute, Musician Hindu
Talin Musical, Lord Shiva Hindu
Talli Young Hindu
Taluni Young Hindu
Tam Heart, Date palm, Plam tree, Fast, Guardian, Tree Hindu
Tama Night Hindu
Tamali A tree with very dark bark Hindu
Tamalika Belonging to a place full of Tamal Hindu
Taman Philosophers stone, Wishing stone gem Hindu
Tamanna Desire, Wish, Ambition Hindu
Tamas Darkness Hindu
Tamasa A river, Darkness Hindu
Tamashree Whole, Perfect Hindu
Tamasi Night, Rest, A river Hindu
Tamasvi Hindu
Tamasvini Night Hindu
Tamayanthy Hindu
Tambura A musical instrument Hindu
Tamila The Sun Hindu
Tamilan Thamizhan Hindu
Tamilarasi Queen of Tamil language Hindu
Tamilmaran Hindu
Tamira Magic Hindu
Tamish God of darkness (Moon) Hindu
Tamkinat Pomp Hindu
Tammana Desire, Wish Hindu
Tamoghna Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva Hindu
Tamonash Destroyer of ignorance Hindu
Tamra Copper red Hindu
Tamsa Name of a river Hindu
Tanak Prize, Reward Hindu
Tanarupi Name of a Raga Hindu
Tanas From the house of tatius, Child Hindu
Tanashvi A blessing for richness or wealthiness Hindu
Tanasi Beautiful princess Hindu
Tanav Flute, Attractive, Slender Hindu
Tanavi Attractive, Slender Hindu
Tanay Son Hindu
Tanaya Daughter, Born of the body, Son Hindu
Tanaymee Very calm, In Deep concentration Hindu
Taneesh Ambition Hindu
Taneesha Fairy queen, Ambition, Goddess of physique Hindu
Tanesh Ambition Hindu
Taneshwar Hindu
Tangi Beautiful Hindu