Name Vanhishka
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Taurus
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Vanhishka's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of girls named Vanhishka is Venus and the lucky number is 6. Women with the number 6 Vanhishka look very attractive. Women named Vanhishka like cleanliness and are also quite artistic. Girls with number 6 are very patient and are very fond of traveling. Girls with the name Vanhishka may be lucky to travel abroad. Women named Vanhishka get a lot of love and affection from their parents.

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Vanhishka Personality

The zodiac sign of girls with the name Vanhishka is Taurus. Vanhishka The biggest quality of girls is their honesty. They love the people around them, friends and family very much. Vanhishka's women don't like change at all. Women named Vanhishka belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign are quite stubborn by nature. Girls named Vanhishka associated with Aries can be trusted, have a lot of patience, and are always happy. Women named Vanhishka can be trusted blindly.

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Vanhishka's zodiac Taurus Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Utsah Anxiely, Goddess Laxmi, Happiness, Excitement, Energy, Courage, Determination Hindu
Utsang Embrace Hindu
Utsaran Hindu
Utsarg Dedicating, Emission, Giving, Gift, Donation, Sacrifice Hindu
Utsav Celebration, Festival, Occasion, Desire Hindu
Utsavi Festivities Hindu
Utsuka Exited Hindu
Uttal Strong, Formidable, Powerful, Quick, Best, Mighty, Tall, Loud mighty Hindu
Uttam Best Hindu
Uttamesh Lord Shiva, Supreme God Hindu
Uttank Cloud, Disciple Hindu
Uttar North, Answer, Better, Another name for Shiva (Son of king Virata) Hindu
Uttara Higher, North the direction, Name of a start, Better, Outcome (Princess of Virata, pupil of Arjuna as Brihhannala (his disguised identity as the eunuch dance teacher during the Pandavas final year of exile).) Hindu
Uttarak Lord Shiva, Dweller, Name for Shiva Hindu
Uttiya A name in buddhist literature Hindu
Vaagdevi Goddess of learning, Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Vaagiswari Goddess Saraswathi Hindu
Vaahila Name of air Hindu
Vaalaky One of the kauravas Hindu
Vaani Speech Hindu
Vaanya Hindu female deity of forests, Van ki Devi, Gods gift, God is gracious Hindu
Vaarahi One who rides on varaah, Is one of the matrikas, A group of seven or eight mother Goddess in the Hindu religion Hindu
vaarida Cloud Hindu
Vaaridhar Cloud Hindu
Vaarini The one who prevents Hindu
Vaaruni The Goddess who is the power of Varuna, A Goddess Hindu
Vaasaki Hindu
Vaasanthi Of Spring, Name of a musical Raagini Hindu
Vaasava Lord Indra, The chief of the vasus Hindu
Vaasavadatta A name in Sanskrit classics Hindu
Vaasu Wealth Hindu
Vaathavega One of the kauravas Hindu
Vaatika Garden Hindu
Vaayu Breeze, Wind, Divine Hindu
Vaayun God, Lively, Moving, Active, Alive, Clear Hindu
Vachan Speech, Declaration, Vow Hindu
Vachana Talk Hindu
Vachaspati Lord of speech Hindu
Vachasya Well spoken of, Praiseworthy, Celebrated, Famous Hindu
Vachi Nectar like speech Hindu
Vachya Goddess Sita, To be spoken, Expressed, Another name of Sita Hindu
Vadanya Generous, Eloquent, Prosperous, Articulate Hindu
Vadhana Bright star Hindu
Vadhi Lord of the gods Hindu
Vadin Known lecturer Hindu
Vadiraj Hindu
Vadish Lord of the body Hindu
Vadivel Lord Murugan, Called so because his spear is called Vadivel Hindu
Vadivelan Lord Murugan, Called so because his spear is called Vadivel Hindu
Vadivelu Hindu