Name Yojak
Meaning Yoker, Employer, Manager, Another name for Agni
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 8
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Yojak Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Yojak, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Yojak means Yoker, Employer, Manager, Another name for Agni. The name Yojak has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. The name Yojak is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Yojak to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. People with the name Yojak are exactly like the meaning of their name. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Yojak, the lucky number of Yojak, and the Yoker, Employer, Manager, Another name for Agni of this name are briefly explained.

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Yojak's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of people with the name Yojak is Mars and their lucky number is 9. Due to the influence of Mars, people named Yojak never lose courage and face every problem with full courage. People named Yojak may face difficulties in their early life, but they achieve success through hard work and strong faith. You can become a soldier or a leader because there is no lack of courage in them. People named Yojak get angry easily, they do not like to listen to anyone and they like to be independent. People with the number 9 do all the work as per their wish.

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Yojak Personality

People with the name Yojak belong to the Scorpio zodiac sign. People of the Scorpio zodiac dominate others. They think only about themselves. People named Yojak maintain love relationships very well and help everyone when needed. People of this zodiac sign to maintain a relationship with a person whom they trust sincerely, otherwise, they leave them. People with this name are angry and aggressive. They do not take the help of talks to resolve any issue. People of this zodiac sign are considered mean, whereas they are not like that.

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Yojak's zodiac Scorpio Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Nitika Principled, Moral person, Virtuous, Leader Hindu
Nitima Girl of principles Hindu
Nitin Master of the law, Master of the right path, Principle, Judge Hindu
Nitish God of law, One well versed in law, Follower of the correct way, Master of the right path Hindu
Nitisha Ardhanareeshwar, Goddess of justice, Name of a Goddess Hindu
Nitu Beautiful Hindu
Nitul Hindu
Nitya Eternal, Constant, Another name for Durga Hindu
Nityasree Eternal beauty Hindu
Nityasundara Ever beautiful, Good looking Hindu
Nityagopal Constant Hindu
Nityam Constant Hindu
Nityanand Perennially Happy Hindu
Nityananda Lord Krishna, Always Happy Hindu
Nityansh Hindu
Nityanta Lord Vishnu Hindu
Nityapushta Gaining strength day by day Hindu
Nityarubini Hindu
Nityasree Eternal beauty Hindu
Nityasri Constant, Eternal, Goddess Parvati, Ever present Hindu
Nityasundar Ever good looking Hindu
Nityasundara Ever beautiful, Good looking Hindu
Niv Basic, Foundation Hindu
Niva One of the 1000 names of river Narmada, The Sun Hindu
Nivaan Holy, Bound, Limited Hindu
Nivali Tribute Hindu
Nivan Holy, Bound, Limited Hindu
Nivanshi Cute little baby that will be sweet Hindu
Nivas Home Hindu
Nivash Home Hindu
Nivashini Hindu
Nivashne Hindu
Nivashni Diamonds Hindu
Nivasini Hindu
Nived Best wishes, Offering to God Hindu
Niveda Creative Hindu
Nivedan Request Hindu
Nivedh Best wishes, Offering to God Hindu
Nivedha Creative Hindu
Nivedhita One dedicated to service, A girl with intelligence Hindu
Nivedita One dedicated to service, A girl with intelligence Hindu
Niveditha One dedicated to service, A girl with intelligence Hindu
Nivedya Hindu
Niveka Hindu
Niverta Bliss Hindu
Nivesh Snow, Investment Hindu
Nivetha Soft, Doing things whole heartedly Hindu
Nivi New Hindu
Nivid Vedic hymns Hindu
Nivin Nivedyam to God Hindu