Nowadays the problem of back pain is very common and increasing. This problem can happen to anyone at any age. In fact, the main reason behind this is muscle tension and joint strain. Apart from this, there may be excess weight gain, wrong sitting posture and calcium deficiency in the body. Some people have back pain only temporarily, while some people are very troubled by it.

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In some serious cases, medical attention may be necessary, but if your pain is less severe, you can help strengthen your back, stretch and improve the circulation of the spine and nerves by adopting some yoga asanas.So let's know about some such yoga postures -

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  1. Benefits Of Yoga For Back Pain
  2. Summary

There are many benefits of yoga for back pain, including:

  • Pain reduction
  • Increased flexibility
  • Muscle strength
  • Balance and stability
  • Improved blood flow
  • Stress reduction
  • Correct posture
  • Weight management
  • Self-awareness

With these benefits of yoga in mind, regular practice can reduce back pain and improve overall health.

Benefits Of Marjariasana For Back Pain

To do Marjari Asana, come to a tabletop position on your hands and knees, arching your back and rounding it, as if you push the floor down with your hands and the top of your feet. This asana helps massage the spine, while stretching the back and torso. Marjari Asana is one of the easiest and most comfortable stretches for the back.

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Benefits Of Ardha Matsyendrasana For Back Pain

When it comes to  Ardha Matsyendrasana, you have many options. This is one of the basic and effective Marichiasana. Keep your left leg straight and bend your right leg so that your foot remains flat. For support, place your right hand on the ground behind you and place the elbow of the left hand on the right knee. Ardha Matsyendrasana bends our spine. Usually we do not get this type of stretch. This stretch is very beneficial for the spine.

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Benefits Of Adho Mukha Svanasana For Back Pain

This is one of the reasons why Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the most revered postures of yoga. It can rejuvenate your entire body. Come on your hands and feet and bring the body to a table position. Lift the waist up while exhaling. Make an inverted V with your body by strengthening your knees and elbows. The hands should be shoulder-width apart. The feet should be parallel to each other and equal to the distance of the back. Press your palms on the ground and strengthen with the shoulders. Take a long deep breath and remain in the downward dog position. Keep your gaze on the navel. Exhale and bend the knees and come back to the table position. Adho Mukha Svanasana stretches the entire back of the body from the calves to the neck. This asana is very beneficial for back pain.

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Benefits Of Paschimottanasana For Back Pain

Paschimottanasana is easy to do, which will not only benefit you but it can also open the lower back properly and provide relief from stiffness and pain. Sit with your legs extended forward, slowly bend from the hips and hold your feet, ankles. Instead of rounding your back, continue to move your sternum forward and lengthen the torso. If this hurts your back, bend your knees as needed. Paschimottanasana opens the muscles of the lower back and also reduces pain and cramps. People who have an injury or slip disc in the lower back should not do this asana.

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Benefits Of Balasana For Back Pain

Balasana is not only a wonderful way for a child to relax. It can also stretch your back and your hips. You can do this asana anytime. To do Balasana, sit in Vajrasana on the ground. Now while breathing, raise both the hands above the feet. While exhaling, come down by bending from the hips. And bend until your palms touch the ground. Now take a deep long breath in and exhale. Stay in this posture for as long as you can. Balasana is a comfortable asana for us. This asana gives relief to the waist as well as the whole body.

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Benefits Of Halasana For Back Pain

To do Halasana, lie straight on your back. Place your arms straight on the ground beside your back. Keep both legs together. Close your eyes and leave your body loose. Now support your back with both hands while keeping your elbows on the ground. Take 1-2 breaths in and out in this posture and make sure that your balance is correct. Now take both legs completely back. Stay in this posture for as long as possible. And then slowly bring the legs back. Halasana stretches the upper part of the back and the neck.

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Benefits Of Garudasana For Back Pain

Garudasana can help stretch and open your entire back. Stand in Tadasana posture. Now lift your right leg by bending the knees slightly and place it on your right thigh on your left side. Now balance with your toes on the floor, or hook your right foot behind your left shin. For the arms, move the right arm over the left and, with the elbow bent, bring your palms together. You get a powerful stretch by pulling your elbow up and taking the hand above your face. Garudasana stretches the middle part of the back, which opens the back muscles and eliminates spasms in them. To do Dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach. Bend the knees of both the legs and rest the heels on the hips. Now hold your ankles with your hands. Raise your thighs and chest as much as you can. Stay in this posture for some time and come back to the previous position.

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Benefits Of Dhanurasana For Back Pain

To do Dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach. Bend the knees of both legs and rest the heels on the hips. Now hold your ankles with your hands. Raise your thighs and chest as much as you can. Stay in this posture for some time and come back to the previous position. Dhanurasana is a difficult posture, which brings flexibility in our bones and also makes them strong.

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Benefits Of Trikonasana For Back Pain

To do Triangle Pose, stand straight. Make a proper distance between your feet. Rotate your right toe 10 degrees and left toe 15 degrees. Make sure that your toes are pressing the ground and the weight of the body is equally on both feet. Take a deep long breath inwards and while exhaling, bend your body to the right. Now go downwards from the hips and keep your waist straight, raise your left hand up in the air and take the right hand down towards the ground. Triangle Pose stretches the muscles on the side of the waist and also eliminates pain, weakness and cramps.

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Benefits Of Shalabhasana For Back Pain

Shalabhasana is a great way to strengthen your back and buttocks. Lie down on your stomach and rest your hands on the side. Bring the chin forward a little and place it on the ground. Close your eyes and leave the body loose. Now slowly raise your legs as high as you can. While lifting the legs, both should remain together and apply pressure on the ground with your hands. After that stay like this for 30 seconds to one minute and slowly bring the legs down. Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back. Do this asana according to your physical ability, raise the legs as much as you can.

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Yoga can be an effective and natural treatment for back pain. Yoga Asanas not only help in reducing pain, but also provide strength and flexibility to the spine. Some major yoga asanas like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Balasana (Child's Pose), Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose), and Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) are helpful in relieving back pain. These asanas stretch the lower back muscles, increase blood flow and relax tight muscles. Regular yoga practice not only reduces pain but also reduces the chances of back pain in the future. Practicing meditation and breathing techniques along with yoga also provides mental peace, which is helpful in pain management.

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