During pregnancy, a pregnant woman often has cravings, that is, a strong desire to eat certain things and sometimes this strong desire can be to eat many such things which are kept in the category of 'unhealthy' foods. Be it junk food, Chinese food, ice cream or chocolate. However, chocolate has been excluded from the list of foods considered unhealthy during pregnancy because it is believed that consuming chocolate during pregnancy is completely safe.

In 2016, during the Pregnancy Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine in Atlanta, a study was presented in which it was told that if a pregnant woman consumes about 30 grams of chocolate daily, then it helps in the development of the baby growing in her womb. Not only this, eating chocolate during pregnancy reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia and the placenta also functions better. Also, the study also said that eating chocolate during pregnancy helps in reducing many health related problems.

(Read more: How To Take Care During Pregnancy)

Actually, chocolate contains flavonoids and magnesium which help in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and cardiovascular problems. So if you are pregnant and you also have this question in your mind, can you eat chocolate during pregnancy? So the answer is yes, you can eat chocolate during pregnancy but in limits because caffeine is also found in chocolate and excessive consumption of caffeine during pregnancy can be harmful for you. In this article, we are telling you what are the benefits of eating chocolate during pregnancy and the disadvantages of eating too much chocolate.

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  1. Benefits Of Eating Chocolate During Pregnancy
  2. Disadvantages Of Eating Chocolate During Pregnancy
  3. How Much And Which Chocolate To Eat During Pregnancy?
  4. Summary

If you feel like eating chocolate during pregnancy, do not stop yourself, eat chocolate but eat it within limits and that too eat dark chocolate because dark chocolate is more beneficial for both the pregnant woman and the baby growing in the womb as compared to normal chocolate:

Reduces The Risk Of Pre-eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia is a problem in which the blood pressure of the pregnant woman becomes high and the protein level also increases. Due to this, there can be a risk of premature labor, uterine cramps, blood clots start forming and the liver can also get damaged. Therefore, eating chocolate during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia by 50 percent and it is more beneficial in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Helpful In Increasing Immunity

Flavonoids found in chocolates are an excellent source of antioxidants which work to strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Therefore, eating dark chocolate rich in flavonoids strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman, which also helps in reducing blood pressure.

(Read more: Pregnancy diet: What to eat)

Chocolate Relieves Stress

During pregnancy, the level of hormones in a woman's body keeps fluctuating and due to this, pregnancy can be very stressful for many women. In such a situation, chocolate can help in reducing this stress to a great extent. According to researchers, consuming dark chocolate daily helps in reducing the level of stress to a great extent.

The Child Will Be Happy And Excited

Research has also revealed that women who consume dark chocolate during pregnancy, their child remains happy and excited after delivery. The study also pointed out that chocolate keeps the newborn baby away from any kind of stress related to the mother.

Reduced Risk Of Miscarriage

Apart from taking precautions, you cannot do anything to prevent miscarriage, but a study has revealed that the risk of miscarriage was reduced by 20 percent in women who consumed chocolate daily in the first trimester of pregnancy.

(Read more: Every Mother Should Know : Pregnancy Problems)

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Above we may have told you about the many benefits of eating chocolate during pregnancy, but this does not mean that you keep eating chocolate as much as you want all the time. It is important to keep chocolate cravings under control during pregnancy because eating too much chocolate can have many disadvantages:

Chocolate Is High In Calories

Chocolate also contains a lot of fat and calories, due to which unwanted weight can increase. If there is a problem of obesity or being overweight during pregnancy, then along with problems like gestational diabetes, varicose veins, high BP, the risk of C-section delivery also increases.

(Read more: Diet during the first month of pregnancy)

Excess Sugar

Even if you consume dark chocolate during pregnancy, the amount of sugar in it is very high. Let us tell you that about 45 grams of dark chocolate bar contains up to 20 grams of sugar and consuming too much sugar can cause problems like diabetes during pregnancy, dental problems and weight gain.

Excess of Caffeine

Chocolate also contains caffeine and consuming too much caffeine during pregnancy can affect the normal functions of the body. Consuming too much caffeine can cause heartburn and can also pose a risk of miscarriage.

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Dark chocolate is considered safer for pregnant women than milk chocolate, white chocolate or normal chocolate. So if you are craving chocolate during pregnancy, then consume dark chocolate but within limits. Also, make sure that your chocolate is low in sugar and caffeine.

Apart from this, how much chocolate you can eat during pregnancy depends entirely on your health. If you do not have gestational diabetes or any other problem, then you can eat chocolate. But talk to your doctor and get information from them about whether chocolate is safe for you during pregnancy or not, and how much chocolate you can eat.

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Eating chocolate in pregnancy, in limited quantities, can be beneficial. Chocolate contains antioxidants that can help reduce stress and improve mood. Theobromine present in it is also helpful in controlling blood pressure. However, eating chocolate in large quantities can increase the amount of sugar and caffeine, which can be harmful to health. Therefore, consuming chocolate in balanced quantities can be considered safe and beneficial.

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