Name Sadhil
Meaning Perfect, Leader, Ruler
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 8
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Sadhil Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Sadhil, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Sadhil means Perfect, Leader, Ruler. By naming your child Sadhil, you can give a new direction to his/her life. Sadhil Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Sadhil means Perfect, Leader, Ruler and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Sadhil. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Sadhil to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. It is believed that if your name is Sadhil and its meaning is Perfect, Leader, Ruler, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. The zodiac sign of the name Sadhil, the lucky number of the name Sadhil, and the personality of the people with the name Sadhil or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Sadhil's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Sadhil, their lucky number is 8 and they live under the planet Saturn. People whose name is Sadhil and lucky number is 8, have no shortage of money. The most special thing about people of this number is that they make their own rules. They like music very much. People named Sadhil do not depend on luck or help but achieve success based on their hard work and efforts. People named Sadhil are kind by nature. They get success late.

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Sadhil Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Sadhil is Aquarius. People named Sadhil are self-controlled and talented. People with this name do not lack intelligence and are very proud of their knowledge. It is a little difficult to understand the nature of people with this zodiac sign. Although people named Sadhil are social, they take caution while choosing friends. People of this zodiac sign are sympathetic towards the needy and also help them.

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Sadhil's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Surabho Hindu
Suradhish Lord Indra, Lord of the gods, Indra Hindu
Suradip Lord Indra, Lamp of music Hindu
Surag Lord Shiva, Having melodious voice, Singing well Hindu
Suragan Lord Shiva, Divine beings Hindu
Suragana Having gods as attendants Hindu
Suraj The Sun, Illuminating Hindu
Suraja Name of a Apsara fairy, Born of the gods, An Apsara or celestial Hindu
Surajeet Conqueror of the Suras, Victorious devotee Hindu
Surajit Conqueror of the Suras, Victorious devotee Hindu
Surajiv Lord Vishnu, Divine Rajiv Hindu
Suraksha Protection Hindu
Suram Beautiful Hindu
Surama Very pleasing Hindu
Suramya Beautiful, Gorgeous, Extremely charming Hindu
Suran Pleasant sound, Cheery, Happy Hindu
Suranandini Name of a Raga Hindu
Surangi Colorful Hindu
Surani River in heaven Hindu
Suranjan Pleasing Hindu
Suranjana Pleasing Hindu
Suranjani Very pleasing, Entertaining Hindu
Suranjaoy Hindu
Suranya Hindu
Surapriya Dear to God Hindu
Suraranjini Name of a Raga Hindu
Surarchita Worshipped by celestials Hindu
Surarihan Lord Shiva, Destroyer of the enemy of the gods, Epithet of Shiva and Vishnu Hindu
Suras Juicy Hindu
Surasa Goddess Durga, Well flavored, Juicy, Sweet, Elegant as a composition, A kind of plant, Sacred Basil, Name of Durga, Name of An Apsara, Name of a river, Cassia bark, Name of a nagamata i.e. the mother of nags, Name of a Raaga Hindu
Surasena Name of a Raga Hindu
Surasindhu Name of a Raga Hindu
Surasti Perfect Hindu
Surati Remembrance Hindu
Suravi The Sun, Sacred Hindu
Suravinda Beautiful yaksa Hindu
Surbhi Sweet fragrance, The celestial cow, Wish yielding cow Hindu
Surbhup Lord Vishnu, Tone Hindu
Surdas Servant of musical tunes Hindu
Surdeep Lamp of music Hindu
Surebh Fine voiced, With a good voice Hindu
Surebha With a good voice Hindu
Surej The Sun, Illuminating Hindu
Surejya Sacred to the gods, Tulsi or the holy Basil, Instructor of the gods Hindu
Surekha Beautifully drawn Hindu
Suren Lord Indra, Derived from Sur, Sur - a God, Divinity, A sage, Learned Man, The Sun, Idol, A snake Hindu
Surendhar Manikanta Hindu
Surendiran Lord Indra, Chief of gods, Indra Hindu
Surendra Lord Indra, Chief of gods, Indra Hindu
Surendran Sun God Hindu