Name Dhiran
Meaning Achiever, Devoted
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Dhiran Meaning

Dhiran The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Dhiran is Achiever, Devoted. By keeping the name Dhiran, your child also starts behaving like the meaning of this name. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. By keeping the name Dhiran, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. People with the name Dhiran are exactly like the meaning of their name. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and Achiever, Devoted of the name Dhiran are explained in detail.

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Dhiran's zodiac Sagittarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Bhoolokanathan Ruler of the earth Hindu
Bhooma Earth Hindu
Bhoomi Earth, Base, Introduction Hindu
Bhoomija Born from the earth, Another name of Goddess Sita Hindu
Bhoomik Land Lord, Earth Hindu
Bhoomika Earth, Base, Introduction Hindu
Bhoomish Hindu
Bhoopal King Hindu
Bhoopali Name of a Raga, A Raagini in Indian music Hindu
Bhoopat Lord of the earth Hindu
Bhoopati Lord of the earth, King, Lord of the gods Hindu
Bhoopendra King of the earth Hindu
Bhooshan Ornament, Decoration Hindu
Bhooshit Decorated Hindu
Bhooteshwara Lord of ghosts and evil beings Hindu
Bhoothanathan Ruler of the earth Hindu
Bhoumik Lord of the earth, Land owner, Attached to the earth Hindu
Bhramar Black bee, A bumble bee, Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva had taken the form of a bumble bee, Searching for the truth Hindu
Bhramara Black bee, A bumble bee, Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva had taken the form of a bumble bee, Searching for the truth Hindu
Bhramari Mother Goddess Durga in the form of female bee Hindu
Bhrigu Name of a saint Hindu
Bhrij Hindu
Bhrithi Strengthened, Nourished, Cherished Hindu
Bhruhanth Hindu
Bhruvam Hindu
Bhubandeep Bhuban means the world & Deep means the light source. so the total meaning goes towards the Sun Hindu
Bhudev Lord of the earth Hindu
Bhudeva Lord of the earth Hindu
Bhudhav Lord Vishnu, Bhu - earth, Dhav - Lord Hindu
Bhuma Earth Hindu
Bhuman Earth, All-encompassing Hindu
Bhumat Possessing the earth, Ruler Hindu
Bhumi Earth, Base, Introduction Hindu
Bhumija Born from the earth, Another name of Goddess Sita Hindu
Bhumik Land Lord, Earth Hindu
Bhumika Earth, Base Hindu
Bhumin Earth Hindu
Bhumit Friend of land Hindu
Bhupad Firm Hindu
Bhupal King Hindu
Bhupali Name of a Raga, A Raagini in Indian music Hindu
Bhupan King Hindu
Bhupat Lord of the earth Hindu
Bhupathi Lord of the earth, The hero of stunts Hindu
Bhupati Lord of the earth, King, Lord of the gods Hindu
Bhupen King Hindu
Bhupendra King of the earth Hindu
Bhupesh King, King of earth Hindu
Bhushan Ornament, Decoration Hindu
Bhushana God Shankar, Lord Shiva Hindu