Name Vishit
Meaning Free, Released
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 6
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Taurus

Vishit Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Vishit, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Vishit means Free, Released. By keeping the name Vishit, your child also starts behaving like the meaning of this name. Vishit Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Vishit means Free, Released and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Vishit. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Vishit to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. It is believed that if your name is Vishit and its meaning is Free, Released, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. The zodiac sign of the name Vishit, the lucky number of the name Vishit, and the personality of the people with the name Vishit or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Vishit's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Vishit, their ruling planet is Venus and their lucky number is 6. People with 6 auspicious organs are beautiful. People named Vishit like cleanliness and are also quite artistic. People named Vishit do not lack patience, they are also fond of traveling. People related to number 6 can travel abroad. They love their parents very much and get a lot of love in return.

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Vishit Personality

Taurus is the zodiac sign of the name Vishit. People with name Vishit are very attached to the people around them, friends, jobs, work, and other things, and are honest towards them. These people do not like change at all. People named Vishit belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign are quite stubborn by nature. Being cheerful, patient, and reliable are the qualities of people named Vishit. People named Vishit never break anyone's trust.

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Vishit's zodiac Taurus Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Balajee Another name of the Hindu Lord venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Balaji Another name of the Hindu Lord venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Balakrishna Young Krishna Hindu
Balamani Young jewel, Small jewel Hindu
Balambu Son of Sambhu, Lord Shiva Hindu
Balamurugan Young Lord Murugan, Lord murugans childhood Hindu
Balan Youthful Hindu
Balanath Lord of strength Hindu
Balaprada The bestower of strength Hindu
Balar Strength, Power, Army Hindu
Balaraj Strong, King Hindu
Balaram Brother of Lord Krishna (The brother of Lord Krishna) Hindu
Balaravi The morning Sun Hindu
Balarka Sadrushanana like the rising Sun Hindu
Balavan Powerful Hindu
Balavant Lord Hanuman, Full of might, Strong Hindu
Balbir Mighty and brave, Strong Hindu
Balchandra Young Moon Hindu
Baldev God like in power, Another name of Balram Hindu
Balendra Lord Krishna, Strong and powerful God Hindu
Balendu Young Moon Hindu
Balgopal Baby Krishna, Infant Krishna Hindu
Balgovind Lord Krishna, Young cowherd, Name of Krishna Hindu
Bali Mighty warrior, Brave, Powerful, Strength, Offering Hindu
Balkrishan Young Krishna Hindu
Ballabh Beloved, Dear, First, Cowherd, Lover Hindu
Ballal The Sun Hindu
Balmani Young jewel, Small jewel Hindu
Balrah Hindu
Balram Brother of Lord Krishna Hindu
Baltishna Powerful Hindu
Balu Cheater Hindu
Balvant Of immense strength, Lord Hanuman, Full of might Hindu
Balveer Strong soldier, Powerful and brave Hindu
Balwant Of immense strength, Lord Hanuman, Full of might Hindu
Banaj Lotus, Natural, Born of the forest, Born of the water Hindu
Banamala Garland of forests, Wildflower garland Hindu
Banbhatt Name of An ancient poet Hindu
Banbihari Lord Krishna, One who enjoys roaming in the forest Hindu
Bandan Salutation, Worship, Praise Hindu
Bandana Salute, Bright star, Worship, Praise Hindu
Bandev God of nature Hindu
Bandhavi Who loves friends & family members, Friendship, Relationship Hindu
Bandhini A bond, One who glues together, Is bound Hindu
Bandhu Friend Hindu
Bandhul Pleasing, Charming Hindu
Bandhula Pleasing, Charming Hindu
Bandhura Pretty Hindu
Bandin One who praise and honours, Bard, A class of poets and scholars who sing songs of praise in the royal courts Hindu
Bandini A bond, One who glues together, Is bound Hindu